Pastor Perry
Wright Jr., also known as "the little man with the big voice", is
truly a man called by God. Under his leadership and with the divine path of God, he has made Promised Land Baptist Church
what it is today. To talk to Pastor Wright is to hear and feel the eternal truth of just how good our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ is.
Pastor Wright is annointed with the holy spirit and is definitely
sent from God. When problems are encountered, his famous words are always, "Pray on it" because he is a strong believer that
prayer makes the difference. In his own words, "Good works are only such as God has commanded in his holy word.
And not such as without the warning thereof, devised by men out of blind zeal, or upon any potential of good intention. These
good works, done in obedience of God's commandments are the fruits of evidence of a true and lively faith. Edify their
brethren adorn the professing of gospel. Stop the mouthing of adversary and glorify God's workmanship. They
are created in Christ Jesus, there unto, having their fruit into holiness they may have at the end eternal life."
We thank God everyday for blessing us with one of his great gifts, Pastor
Perry Wright Jr.